The March Fly Tour

Day 1 - The Afternoon, Nannup to Barrabup Pool

Thursday, 27th Febraury 2014

At about 1.30pm we arrive at Nannup, it’s packed out some sort of festival is about to start in the next day Ted Egan is going to be there.I like some of his music and have a couple of his albums. The town is busy and the population of this samll town has swelled. Luckily we are just passing through.

Barrabup Pool is only about 10-15 minutes from Nannup so we get to the campground about 2.30 ish. Set up camp and set down for a relax. About 4.00pm a car pulls up and one guy jumps out and setups up two large tents in two of the empty camp bays. He then proceeds to hang clothes on a clothes, lays children toys around the place, puts up table chairs, lays out pots and pans and then just hops in his car and drives away.

Ah! the penny drops, If you where to pull into the camp ground right now then it would look like both spots are taken and that the campers would be returning at any minute. Proably did this beacuse of the festival in Nannup and space in and around the town would/is be in short supply. We never did see him or anyone else use those to spots, although we left the next morning.

We had some birds visit our camp for afternoon tea, among them several “Port Lincoln 28’s” and a couple of lovely Western Yellow Robins. It was peaceful just watching them flit around eating. When i think of birds in trees i always imagine them sitting on branches. These little guys do that but they also have the ability to literally cling to the side of the tree trunk and just sit there looking like a china ornament of a bird on a tree. I found this amazing!

Well the sun has just set and it’s been a good, except for the MARCH FLYS!!! hey Flies – Don’t you know it’s February. Every time we stopped and got out of the car we got attacked. Setting up camp – we got attacked. They were on the attack until the sun went down. You think mozzies are bad? For those who haven’t encountered these flies, they have a large probiscus approx 8 mm long that they sink into you, actually i found this is the best time to kill them, once they’ve sunk their straw into you. Here’s a pic of one ( i didn’t take it )

Later in the evening after we’d headed to bed I was just about to doze off when i heard what sounded like a woodpecker attacking the table. I grabbed the torch and had a look outside through the tent window. At first i couldn’t see anything but then noticed movement on the tree. It turned out to be a possum. We took some video footage but not sure if it will turn out. Gee he and his mates were noisy the whole night. Did you know they make a kind of barking noise as well as a peck peck noise. Anyway they were having a party until the wee small hours. At one point around 2.00am i opened my eyes looking up at the stars and lo and behold, there’s a tail on top the tent.

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