Holland Track, The Woodlines & Peak Charles

Day 2 Emu Rocks to Mt Holland

Sunday, 14th September 2014

We woke up to a cold and windy morning so got a fire going before having breaky. There was heavy dew fall overnight so we had to wait for the tent to dry before we made tracks.

A red capped robin dropped by while we were packing up; posing for some photos. He may have been courting as he was continually “chatting” which sounds like drumming or hammering, quite a deep sound for such a little bird.

Sheok Rocks was our stop for morning tea, along the way we were treated to more lovely wildflowers, one had a beautiful black beetle that was iridescent blue/purple – the photo doesn’t do it’s beauty justice. Although it was only 15 kms away it took us an hour to reach Sheok Rocks. Once again there were puddles of water on the rock and these ones had taddies in them. These little guys were surviving in about 5cms of water.

On the road again we had to stop several times to check the depth of some of the “puddles” just to make sure they didn’t turn into bog holes halfway through.

We reached Mt Holland camp by 2.30pm and were happy to stop for the day, have a cuppa, read and relax before setting up camp. After tea the wind picked up and blew all night long.

Trip info – From Emu Rocks to Mt Holland
Distance Travelled 48kms
Average Speed 9kph
Total Travel Time 4hr 55mins

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