Day 1 Perth to Emu Rocks
Saturday, 13th September 2014
The wait is over and we’re on annual leave. We decided just after getting back from Mt Elvire that we’d do the Holland Track on our holidays and here we are …
As we have time on our side we’ve decided to take a leisurely drive, setting up camp mid arvo if possible and relaxing into the evening while stopping along the way to enjoy the scenery, wildflowers and wildlife.
As part of our trip preparation and research, we calculated on 5kpl for the Holland Track section and carried extra diesel just in case. We ensured we had a full range of tools including tyre repair kit, tubes for emergency use only and an axe and shovel. The trusty maxtrax were fitted to the roof rack and we carried a lot of water even though we weren’t expecting to consume it all.
- Holland Track D1 – Perth to Emu Rocks
Sunday, 7.00am and we’re on the road heading to Hyden via Brookton and Corrigin. Oops! forgot the googs, we’ll buy some on the way. Hmph, no we wont, it seems news of Colin’s extended retail hours didn’t reach Brookton, Corrigin or Hyden.
About 20kms out of Corrigin we come across a wide load convoy so we jump onto CH40 and touch base with them. They let us know they’re turning in 2.8kms so we hang on – no need to pass. We thank them and continue on. We arrive in Hyden around midday, top up the tank and the jerry cans and head for the Holland Track.
Along the way we stop at the State Barrier Fence before continuing along new Hyden-Norseman Rd to the turnoff for Holland Track and Emu Rocks our camp for the night. The State Barrier Fence was formerly known as the Rabbit Proof Fence, Emu and vermin proof fence. Recently the Ag Dept has undertaken a program to upgrade the fences to be wild dog proof.
- At the State Barrier Fence
Even though it’s only 2 weeks into spring we are treated to a never ending display of wildflowers along the way.
- One of the many wildflowers seen along the way
We come across several “puddles” suggesting there will be water along the track.
- The waters only a few cm’s deep
We arrive at camp around 2.00ish, it’s a lovely spot. We go for a walk down to a nearby salt lake and Emu Rocks before setting up camp. There was plenty of water at the top of Emu Rocks.
- Water on Emu Rocks
- Holland Track plaque at Emu Rocks
While making tea a roo visits the edge of our camp and returns later with her joey but it’s too dark to get a pic of both of them. Tommorrow we tackle the track …..
Trip info – From Hyden to Emu Rocks
Distance Travelled 68kms
Average Speed 36kph
Total Travel Time 1hr 51mins
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