Traveling South Australia’s Iconic Googs Track and Gawler Ranges

Day 9 - Norseman to Home

Friday 25th March 2016

We had another enjoyable stay at the Great Western Motel in Norseman but now the time has come to leave and start our final leg home. Whenever we are out this way we like to travel the old Hyden – Norseman Road and do some tree clearing with the hope that one day this road can be traveled by others along it original path. It’s a hope not likely to be realised. Each storm that passes through the area fells more trees together with termites also making their contribution we have a never ending trail of trees.

We came across our first two trees at 9.10am and cleared our last tree by 11.40am clearing a total of 8 trees. Two of these were very large and we needed to use the winch more than we ever had clearing trees. Clearing the trees sapped us of our energy reserves so we called it a day as far as tree clearing went. We traveled the rest of the road enjoying a cuppa with Hyden as our next stop. Before we reached the end of the old Hyden – Norseman Road we couldn’t resist taking a photo of another Crested Dragon.

Leaving Hyden around 4.30pm we had an uneventful but pleasant drive home discussing our next destination.

Total Time : 12.25
Total Distance: 623 kms
Average Speed : 50 KPH

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