Cape Arid – Mt. Ragged and Surrounds

Day 7 Mt Ragged to Balladonia

Thursday, 25th December 2014

We wake up early today and find Mt Ragged is covered in a low mist, it a lovely sight. I?m feeling a bit better so we?re going to pack up and head to Balladonia and enjoy a hearty meal at the roadhouse. We’ll go via the Balladonia Road past Pine Hill, Deralinya and Nanambinia Homesteads, a distance of approx 120kms.

The first historic site we come across is Pine Hill which the local Aboriginals called Our Gauroojeninya. Pioneers William and Steven Ponton and John Sharp named it Pine Hill after the native pines which are termite resistant and were sought after as fence posts. There is a man made dam there and the graves of un-named two travelers.

As we continue on toward Balladonia we come across a salt lake ( there are lots out this way ) The lake itself is quite scenic and has some water in it from recent rains. Again we find ourselves disappointed at the irresponsible actions of other travelers ( probably 4Wders ). They had turned the salt lake into an ice skating rink with the evidence clearly visible through the water. These scars will take years to fade and for the bed of the salt lake to recover. Really guys ? n – gals, grow up and have some respect for the land, environment and ecosystem or your grandkids? generation will be banned from these areas ? if you haven?t destroyed it first.

We arrive at Brookes Cottage. John Brookes and his wife founded Balbinya Station in 1883 and John was the first Telegraph Linesman for Israelite Bay.

Next is Deralinya Homestead which is set up to welcome weary travellers who can spend a night or two. There are beds provided, a kitchen table etc. As always with facilities such as this you should treat them with respect and leave them as you would like to find them for the next lot of travellers.

Nanambinia is another historical site we visit and was originally built by Heinrich Dimer and his family continued to live there until Karl Dimer sold the property to the owners of Balladonia Station in 1982, Balladonia is still a working station. Heinrich was married to Topsy Whitehand and they had 12 children. Topsy died in 1918 while Heinrich was away and their daughter Annie had to bury her mother on the property.

It really is a strange sensation pulling up at the homestead gate. The place looks lived in and it truly looks like we?ve popped in to see relatives or friends; just walk up and knock on the front door. When we walk in it is set up as if someone could still be living there although you can?t stay overnight at this homestead.

We were about 60kms from Balladonia and we saw a car up ahead pulled off the road. We slow down and check if they?re OK and they say they are so we move on. It looked like the axle on their trailer had snapped but they were well prepared and had nearly finished their repairs.

Travelling these tracks its easy to see how with a bit of rain they can turn into a quagmire. We finally arrive at Balladonia around 3.30pm, grab a room and ask when the restaurant will be open. Turns out today is the only day of the year the restaurant is closed. There goes my hearty meal, oh well a snagger roll and pie will have to do until breaky. When you?re at Balladonia Roadhouse take time to check out the museum which has includes a piece on Redex car trials and Skylab.

The track conditions have ranged from mild corrugations, sand, rock, grave and a few drying bog holes. We?re travelling at what we think is a safe speed however we pulled over to the side to allow a speeding 4WDer towing a camper trailer fly past up. He must be doing 100kph or more and he didn?t even slow down as he passed.

Footnote: Speeding Off roaders, even if your camper trailer is an off road model it and your 4WD don?t make you invincible. You?re irresponsible, you could hit a pot hole, soft sand, bog hole or an animal which could quickly affect your vehicle and trailer causing you to lose control. That?s OK if you?re the only one on the road but you don?t have the right to involve someone else or an animal.

Petrol ? Balladonia $1.760 cpl we got 7.59 kpl on this leg

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